Monday, February 16, 2009

Xander Strikes Again

I took Amylynn and Xander to the aquarium store to get new fish for the aquarium. Xander loves to look at the fish. Unfortunately, if anybody else is with him, he gets into trouble. As we were looking at fish, he came over to me, grabbed my by the hand, and said, "Dad, come here." I followed him, and he brought me over to one of the aquariums. There, as part of the decorations of the aquarium, was the store telephone, sitting on the bottom of the tank! He was very proud of himself! I didn't know whether to laugh or swear. I told the store and told them to add it to my bill. I lucked out and they ONLY charged me $20.

For those of you who didn't know, this isn't the first time he's done this. Over Christmas, he threw my iPod and cell phone into the filled bathtub. The iPod survived, but the cell phone didn't. Of course, I had no warranty on the phone, so had to buy a whole new phone with a whole new contract at the cost of about $200. So $20 was actually a bargain. What's that curse that parents always wish on their kids? Oh yeah, "I hope your kid is just like you!"


Christy said...

As horrifying as this story just NEVER GETS OLD!!! LoL

Chris Olsen said...

That is a awsome story...I have to tell Mel...

lrwardell said...

Oh my gosh, that's absolutely hilarious.
Erin (not Lynn)